Aug 12, 2008

Carved Fruit

I wanted to start a blog dedicated specifically to the events held at the Annex. The date of 8-8-08 seemed like a fun one to start with so I dove in and did it. On the eighth day of the eigth month of the eighth year, we had a wedding/reception combo. The bride Liz, from Laos, and the groom Jose, from Mexico, brought two cultures together. The couple was determined to tie the knot on August 8, 2008 because of the significance of the number 8. This date was particularly of interest to the bride because in Asia, it is an extremely lucky number, as you probably heard when the Olympics began on this date also.  Last year, the special date was 7-7-07 and next year I assume it will be 9-9-09.

Part of the Laos tradition is to have fruit carved into elaborate decoration. And don't think that it replaced the wedding cake, they also had a super gorgeous cake with fresh flowers.  When I saw the fruit being carved and the cake being adorned by fresh flowers, I went next door to our "resident photographer", Jim Herndon with
On Location Portraiture, and asked him to grab some shots - they are way better than the ones I took!

Watch this blog for future events. I am trying to capture something unique at each event and post a photo and brief description. The venue at the Annex was designed to be very flexible to allow for creative types and I am seeing tons of creativity at the events!

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